Our Humana Health Star for the month of September is Rhonda Hicks from Buffalo, NY. Filled with hometown pride this runner has taken local and run-cation locations by storm. Rhonda’s inspiring her community to run with her blog “Keep Running Rhonda”, all while raising money for her favorite organizations. Learn more about what keeps Rhonda running, and log some virtual miles with this amazing woman today.
Name: Rhonda Hicks
Age: 24
State: Buffalo, NY
What’s your favorite way to stay active? Running
What charities do you like to support with Charity Miles? She’s the First, Wounded Warriors Project, and National Parks Foundation
Where is your favorite place to walk, run or bike? For running I would say the Erie Canal or Ellicott Creek Park. Both have great paths to take. For walking and hiking I really enjoy the ones by the Niagara Gorge where you can see the river.
Where is one place you’d most like to walk, run or bike that you haven’t yet? I would like to do more National Parks like Yellowstone or Redwood National Park. I would also like to do more international places like London or Paris.
What do you do to help your family/community get active? I try to get my friends more involved with being active when we hang out. For example, a friend of mine and I used to go see a lot of movies, and now we hike all the time. I also helped my mom start walking more and she has completed two 5k races and is going for a third in January. I also got my cousins involved with running. We now have a tradition of doing a 5k every year.
Do you have any tips for others on how to take steps toward improving their well-being? People underestimate the power of small changes. Making small changes all the time really adds up. I also think you need to find something you love whether it’s running, biking, or something else.
Do you like to run alone or with friends? I like to exercise with friends. It makes the time go by faster and you can hold each other accountable.
What is your favorite workout song? There are 2 songs I’m currently jamming out to while I run. I love “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten and I still am in love with “Let it Go” from Frozen.
Are you training for anything? I am currently training for the Rochester Half Marathon this month, the Niagara Falls 10k in October and I’ll start the new year with the Walt Disney World Half Marathon.
Are there any of the recipes on Humana’s Pinterest that you would like to try? I don’t think there is one particular recipe I would like to try. But I’m always looking for new ways to make pizza.
What is one thing that Humana can do to help you live a healthier lifestyle? Having Humana sponsor Charity Miles it gives me a purpose to move. Knowing that there is money being donated to a cause and actually creating a difference makes me want to get out and move more.
What’s the best health advice you have ever received? The best health advice I ever received is to find what works for you. Some people eat all carbs, others all protein. Some people do only cardio while others lift weights. It’s great to ask advice from your friends and family, but no two bodies are the same.
Humana believes that everyone has a unique health and well-being story. What is yours? My health story began at the end of 2013. I was really depressed about life when my friend Emily talked me into running my first half marathon. I joined my first gym a month later and started just working out, taking it little by little. I then started running using a couch to 10k program. In October of 2014, I completed my first 10k and in February of 2015, I competed my first half marathon. In the past 2 years, I have learned how strong I actually am and what I can accomplish. I learned that exercise and running aren’t things I should be afraid of but are things I can enjoy. I now think of running as my time to be by myself and be at peace. I know I have a long way to go but I am enjoying the journey.