Holiday Streak FAQ

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Get your questions about the Holiday Streak answered here. If you have additional questions please email them to Happy Streaking!

What is the Holiday Streak?

A: Join Charity Miles and Runner’s World for a Holiday Streak. Just log at least 0.1 miles a day from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. Each day we’ll highlight one charity to inspire you to keep moving. You can share your streak with us by tagging @CharityMiles and #RWRUNSTREAK in your social media posts.

How can I sign up for the newsletter?

A: You can sign up for our newsletter here

How do I find the charity of the day?

A: The featured charity can be found in three places. The charity will be announced in a daily email sent out each morning. It will also be announced on our Facebook and Twitter.

Is there a list of the charity of the day?

A: Figuring out the charity of the day is half of the fun! We will not have a list of daily featured charities. See above for how to find highlighted charity.

Why just 0.1 miles and not 1 mile?

A: For this streak we have partnered with our friends from Runner’s World, but we wanted to add a little Charity Miles flare. Instead of 1 mile, we are asking members to log at least 0.1 miles, We want to open the challenge to all of the members of our community. No matter what the distance or whether, you walk, run, or bike, we believe that every contribution big or small matters.

How can I win or purchase a Pace on Earth hoodie?

A: Each day you log at least 0.1 miles for the featured charity you will have a chance at winning a Charity Miles “Pace on Earth” hoodie. Winners will be contacted via email. You can purchase a hoodie at our shop.

Do you have to move for the charity of the day to be entered to win the Pace On Earth Hoodie?

A: Yes, in order for you to be randomly selected to win the hoodie you must log at least 0.1 miles for the featured charity.

If I’m living in a different country, can I still win a hoodie?

A: You must be a US resident to win the hoodie.

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