Finding Balance During Alzheimer’s Highs and Lows
Charity Spotlight: Alzheimer’s Association
You’ve all seen them, and if you haven’t check out, the Lokai bracelets. They were created by 25-year-old Steven Izen in memory of his grandfather. Every Lokai has a black bead that holds mud from the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth, signifying the difficult moments you experience throughout life. The white bead holds water from Mt. Everest, the highest point on Earth, representing life’s highest moments. These two elements represent life – its highs and its lows and how they come together and change in cycles throughout one’s journey.
There are Lokai that support a variety of causes. You can get a purple one to support Alzheimer’s Association, a red for Save the Children, and a multicolored one for the World Wildlife Fund. You can support many of the charities on our app by purchasing a bracelet and of course, logging miles for them.