We recently had the opportunity to interview Christopher Ray, a Charity Miles member who is currently on a once-in-a-lifetime journey, walking over 7,000 miles throughout the US! On June 1st Christopher left College Station, Texas, en route to California. Currently, in Oklahoma, he plans to cover the entire length of the US once arriving in California, journeying to the east coast before returning to Texas, all on foot.
I asked him about his motivations for taking on such an ambitious task to which he stated, “I was a process lead at a mushroom plant when I was injured and had to resign from my position. I sat at home struggling with a sense of purpose. I wanted to do something productive and help people and at the same time make a difference in someone’s life.”
A typical day for Christopher involves waking up around 6 am and preparing for the day before hitting the road around 7:15. “I travel to the next town. Two towns if it isn’t too far. Then find a spot to set my tent and go to sleep. Most nights are spent in my tent. Every now and then when the people sponsoring this journey are financially able I stay in a hotel and shower and let my body heal.”
A trip of such enormity doesn’t go without its fair share of challenges, though. “My phone's SIM card went out and I have to order another before I can begin again. Should only take a few days but it has me sidelined since my location apps and charity miles and other apps won’t function.”
When asked why he walks with Charity Miles as opposed to other fitness apps in the app store Christopher responded, “I see humanity as a whole. Not individuals. We are meant to help each other. Make life easier for each other. Humility and sacrifice have been instilled in me by my foster parents. This app gives me a chance to better myself health-wise and help others.”
Christopher is new to Charity Miles, recently downloading the app after stumbling across an online post, that piqued his interest. He now uses the app every single day, logging miles for an amazing cause, the Wounded Warrior Project. WWP is an incredible organization that offers a wide range of services for America’s wounded veterans. “Any chance to help the brave men and women who fought and sacrificed for our country is an honor.”
Christopher went on to state, “I hope to gain awareness to how easy it is to help others. To show people an ordinary person can do something extraordinary if they just have faith and determination”. What an inspiration! “If you do something as simple as a mile a day it will matter. Because at the end of the day if I can change or make a difference in just one person's life over the course of mine I will count my life as a success.”
Do you have an interesting Charity Miles story? Share it with us!