Charity Miles Team Spotlight: #500for50

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At Charity Miles, we are so excited to have members that are part of book fandoms. We have the Harry Potter Running Club and now the 500for50 team. The team is based on the group’s common interest in E L James’ “50 Shades of Grey.”. 32 women, and counting, have come together to walk, run, or bike at least one mile every day for the 500 days leading up to the premier of the next movie in the series, 50 Shades Darker. We are beyond excited to welcome another community into ours. This is the story of how these inspiring women found us.

A few years ago I challenged myself to walk 100 miles over the summer and had to reach the 100-mile mark by the first dusting of snow. I did it and lost about 15 pounds. I was feeling great about myself. I gained the 15 pounds back and like everyone else, I struggled and knew I needed to get back on track. I have an idea to ask some of my friends on Twitter to join me. At that time there were just over 500 days to go before the release of the second film in the Fifty Shades series, 50 Shades Darker. I decided at the 500-day mark I wanted to walk 500 miles all with the goal of losing weight and being a different version of myself for the movie premiere in February 2017.

I asked just a few friends to see if they wanted to do this with me. I set up a Twitter account and E.L. James the author of the book joined in! She then used Instagram to post about her first-mile walk for FiftysFitties. She updates us as she can, and the fans love it when they see she’s involved. 

Probably a day or two into our challenge one of our followers. Megan contacted me and asked if she could add our team to Charity Miles.

“My name is Megan. I heard about this app Charity Miles through friends who have been using it to raise money for charities close to their hearts. I was instantly sold when I learned that while working toward bettering my health I could help someone else in return. The app motivates me to push myself a little further each workout because I know that I’m giving back. My charity of choice is the Michael J Fox Foundation. Back in 2013, I lost my boyfriend’s dad to cancer and he was suffering from Parkinson's for twenty years. I was so happy to see Charity Miles had the foundation as a choice. Can we create a team?“

That right there sold me! That’s how we became involved with the app. It goes along with the theme of Fifty Shades – believe it
or not. If you haven’t read the series, there are chapters designed around the spirit of humanitarian efforts and charity. 

Currently, we have 500+ people who are following along on our Twitter account. Our team on Charity Miles has 32 members
who have logged almost 1300 miles. I’m proud of these ladies who are joining me. They inspire and push me along as much as I hope, I’m pushing them.


If you are part of a fandom please feel free to create or join a team in our app and make every mile your community moves, matter.

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