Olivia and Carter couldn’t imagine a world without cheetahs and wanted to do something to help. For two weeks they researched endangered species and found out how they can help.
Carter and Olivia then did something that most adults are afraid to take on. They started their own nonprofit in an effort to help educate children and adults about the plight of endangered species. Carter and Olivia’s intention is to preserve all species for at least One More Generation… and beyond.
They have implemented three programs, Animal Conservation, Environmental Conservation, and Youth Empowerment. On the Animal Conservation side they are currently running campaigns for Rhinos and Orangutans. Their Environmental Conservation efforts are centered around a curriculum that they teach in schools and show students the importance of recycling and how they can help. To empower youth Carter, Olivia, and OMG have several programs that center around the message that anything is possible, even for kids.
Olivia, Carter, and OMG are participating in so many programs we could spend days sharing them, so please visit their website here, to learn about what they’re doing and how to get involved.
OMG and Charity Miles both believe that small changes can make a big difference in the world, no matter your age. You can make an impact by logging Charity Miles today.