Carry the Baton

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Thank you to everyone who joined our sponsor Humana to Carry the Baton in support of Baton Rouge disaster relief. Once again, our Charity Miles community proved that we are up to the challenge when it comes to supporting an amazing cause!

We wanted to take this moment to thank all of you and announce that our community was able to move over 10,000 5Ks in September! Your hard work resulted in an additional $10,000 donation to support the flood relief efforts. An astounding 12,052 Carry the Baton badges were earned last month, and it warmed our hearts to see you share your badges with friends and family!

We know that Every Mile Matters. The Carry the Baton campaign mattered to the community of Baton Rouge, including members of our own Charity Miles family. This week we received a message from one of our members Kayla, whose family home was destroyed by the Louisiana floods.

Kayla’s parents’ home was flooded and many of their possessions were destroyed. Without basic necessities or even a roof over their heads, the couple has had to rely on shelter and the kindness of friends. Even those that have never experienced food insecurity are struggling, putting an even greater strain on community resources. Kayla says “I can tell you now that with no fridge (or home) they have been relying almost solely on the donated food, while they figure it all out.”

It’s families like Kayla’s who will benefit from the $10,000 donation that our community was able to earn. Thank you to our sponsors Humana who helped us move more money to where it’s needed most, and for helping our community raise awareness about the devastating impact of food insecurity in Louisiana. Most importantly thank you to the Charity Miles family for proving once again that when we pull together we can move in amazing ways!

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