charity miles

Charity Miles Champions: Girly and Theodore

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This week’s Charity Miles Champions are Girly and Theodore. Girly and Theodore are cats that log their Charity Miles for ASPCA. Being themselves rescues they know the importance of the ASPCA’s programs. This is the story of how these cats are helping change the world (as told by their mom).

We just started walking with them around February of this year, I felt sad that we couldn’t bring them out with us. I saw other cats on Instagram in their pet strollers and decided to search for one online. At first they were scared of being in the stroller, but then they got used to it. We also got harnesses for them to see if they wanted to walk. They’re still a bit hesitant about the walking part. We just joined Charity Miles last month. We decided to run for the ASPCA because they help animals in need. 

Girly is a snow show Siamese cat, we rescued her from the street. She was out in the cold weather all by herself, she was probably less than a year old. We brought her home and figured out within a few weeks that she was pregnant. She had her 4 kittens in our home on 3/13/2008, one died 2 days after. We kept the other 3 until they were old enough. We decided to keep ONE WE named him Theodore, and the other TWO we gave away to a loving coworker.

I guess you can say that we spoil them, they are part of our family. We treat them like babies. I do have TWO kids 13 & 17 years old. I used to feel like I miss having a baby around, but I’m happy having these two. It’s like having babies around without the crying, dirt diapers.

We love taking adventures with our two kitten babies and logging lots of Charity Miles for ASPCA. 

Thank you Girly and Theodore for sharing your story! Follow them on Instagram GIRLY_AND_THEODORE.

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